Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Road Crew, how would you like to pursue Growth in Giving as a church body? 
See these ideas below and leave comments.

How do you feel about the following ideas?
  1. Expose the White Box; instead of leaving it on the back table, featuring it further forward, near the announcement chalk boards on a pedestal up front; mention it during a combined time of Communal Greeting and Giving
  2. Quarterly statements: publish individually
  3. Sponsor the Children’s Ministry position
  4. Program Tithing Testimonies; sharing from the heart how it feels to share from the wallet
  5. Teaching: offerings are part of worship, a mark of discipleship
  6. Regular monthly prayer and offering time with/without testimony
  7. Encourage kids to regularly give; cultivating habits

BACKGROUND: The Stewardship Team met January 6, followed by the Council January 10. The Stewardship Team presented a somewhat surprising update to the Council, reporting both positive and negative aspects of Emmaus Road's finances. We were surprised to examine numbers more closely, thereby dispelling the “myth of Emmaus Road’s giving potential,” the self-image problem of a small and poor church that cannot handle a budget of more than $100k. By the end of the Council meeting, the Elders and Deacons resolved to encourage the church toward Growth in Giving.  This is not due to a financial crisis (currently $38k in bank), but because offerings are part of worship, a mark of discipleship, and we discovered we are not anywhere close to the moderate, yet healthy level we should reach for. The Council also resolved to avoid "preaching-to-the-choir" Road Crew meetings, which are discouraging and ineffective.  Rather, there were some ideas meant to inspire and foster Growth in Giving.  The full meeting minutes are accessible and the list of ideas discussed can be viewed there.


Goals of Meeting:
1. Welcome New Members
2. Discuss Ministry Initiatives
3. Prayer

7:00pm Arrive. Mingle.
7:15 Welcome - Review meeting goals (above)
7:20 Reading. Prayer.
7:25 Receive new members

7:35 Presentation of Ministry Initiatives
• Spark Plugs & Glue
• 5th Sunday Greenspace
• Belltown Covenant
• Leadership possibilities

8:00 Growth in Giving: Stewardship Team Update
8:10 Open forum related to Growth in Giving plans
8:40 Vote: approve, reject, revise Jan-Aug. ’08 Budget
8:50 Prayer