7:00PM Welcome and Greetings
7:10PM Opening Prayer
7:15PM Presentation of proposed Flow Chart(s)
7:25PM Q&A discussion
8:00PM Vote to accept (with agreed upon amendments) or send back to Council for further development
8:10PM Announcements
8:15PM Closing Prayer
8:30PM Exit
Our discussion will center around how we make decisions and share ministry responsibility. Though we cannot all carry out the same tasks, nor can we make every little decision as a big group (nor even agree about everything), and although we are a body with a variety of gifts, strengths, and callings, we must own our common mission together, and support the members of our body. How can we do this better?
One crucial element has to do with habits of communication, including the manner by which we individuals seek support from our greater congregation, for instituting new ministry activities, or addressing concerns; we need to pursue consistency and fairness with one another as we listen to each other and discern how God is building and shaping us. The proposed Flow Chart is meant to be a helpful tool and guide for us as we continue to listen, learn, and experiment in ministry together. The Spirit leads followers of Christ, but not as lone individuals; the Spirit does not speak to just one person, granting them all authority and knowledge to lead everyone else; rather, the Spirit speaks to united groups of loving, listening believers. Anointed leaders have a role, but they still share their authority in the context of the church. This is how the Apostles discerned the movement toward choosing the seven deacons of Acts 6:1-7; the church elected them, and the Apostles ordained them, all led by the Spirit, as the church. Later, in Acts 15:1-29, the Council of Jerusalem considers a problem in Antioch; though Paul and Barnabas are appointed to speak to the Jerusalem Apostles and Elders, and though Peter and James speak as Council members, it is the whole group together who listens to testimony, debate, and decides to publish a letter to the Gentiles, explaining how their proposal "seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us."
Review the Flow Charts below; feel free to post comments and/or email comments or questions to Pastor Eric Likkel, or Elder Rennie Araucto, one of the people who helped put the Flow Chart together for Council to consider. Rennie will be presenting these to Road Crew.