Dear Emmaus Road,
I have some ideas about how to help our children participate in worship services, and I am interested in your feedback.
Over the years, our gradually growing crowd of young children has brought energy to our gatherings. We welcome them in many ways, and pursue ideas to support them together. Having them in our midst challenges us to relate the Gospel in creative ways, and to equip them to become future leaders and partners in ministry. Recently, we began referring to our children and youth as the “Young Church”; they are already part of us.
On Sunday mornings, we are usually all together for the first part of the service; we intentionally program their exit to Godly Play and Big Kids after they have had an opportunity to engage in worship, singing songs, hearing and reciting prayers, etc. This is a primary way of introducing them to communal worship. During the music, their free, unfettered response has often been noted by visitors as a welcome sign of life in Emmaus Road. It is a contrast with how some have experienced worship gatherings elsewhere, when worship spaces largely excluded children.
I know we love our kids, and I think we like those aspects of our Emmaus Road gatherings.
I also believe, though, we could be helping them find their way into more intentional fellowship with us.
Over our typical time span of about 15 minutes of singing and a brief prayer or reading, I would like to try some things to help funnel their wonderful energy into authentic engagement with the music and other elements of communal worship. Sometimes, it seems our children move beyond musical response and movement to something more akin to play time. From up front, playing, singing, and speaking, I sense they occasionally lose focus from our attempt to direct attention to the Lord together, and become more enthralled with each other’s motions, the thrill of speed, toys or objects nearby that are tempting to play with, etc. We all recognize there are developmental stages at work, and limits to attention spans. But we know that children can be led into song and motion, and can be engaged as a group, when leaders spend time with them, invite them to hear and learn, and set different expectations for that time. We may not be able to form a traditional children’s choir, but there are other ways to help them find their voice in our gatherings.
I wonder, too, about how to help them make the transition from receiving morning treats to giving time and attention to the main purpose of our gathering. What kind of structure could we introduce to differentiate between the places where fellowship around donuts, fruit, pancakes, etc. is enjoyed, and the spaces where community sings, prays, moves, shares, and learns together?
Here is where I ask for your feedback. Perhaps you have little ones (or a little one), and you know what excites them and what bores them. Maybe you have some creative ideas about how to help our kids move or dance together, or set expectations and boundaries around snacks and worship activities. Please let me know, as I would like to work on this throughout the summer. If we agree on some expectations and approaches, we could enjoy worship together in a way that includes our young church even more effectively.
BTW, nobody has come to me, your pastor, to complain about our children in worship. This springs from my own feelings and conversations I have initiated with some of you.
Please respond directly to me as you have time to reflect!
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
From Amy Araucto and Betsy Turnbull - Big Kids Leadership Team
Greetings families!
I hope you've been able to get out and enjoy some much needed sunshine. Now that it feels like summer might actually be coming to Seattle I wanted to get in touch to share a few updates:
End of school celebration - Sunday, July 2nd right after church. We will plan something outdoors to have some fun with friends and kick off summer. If you have any location ideas please let Amy or Betsy know. Siblings and families are all welcome!
Summer meetings - we have decided to continue with Big Kids during the summer worship time. There are enough people coming regularly and we feel the kids will benefit from it. The only change is that we won't be asking volunteers to do 3 weeks in a row, but will be doing one at a time just to piece it together for summer. Reba will be sending out a schedule in the coming weeks so please let her know via planning center if you will be gone.
Volunteers - currently on the rotation are Betsy, Brian, Andrew and Alicia. Are there others who might want to give it a try? With the newly developed itinerary it's pretty easy to jump in. The kids can basically tell you the schedule and it's printed in the room.
New members - there are a few kids entering 2nd grade who might be joining next year, so we can revisit the idea of dividing the group if it becomes an issue. Of course we would need more volunteers to make that feasible so we will just play that by ear.
As always, Betsy and I are here to talk anytime and we welcome your input and ideas. We love working with your kiddos and are glad they all seem to be enjoying Big Kids in our new church home.
Thank you!
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
March 2017 News from the Emmaus Road Treasurer!
2016 Giving Statements: The 2016 Giving Statements went out by e-mail in mid-February to those people that provided e-mail addresses, and are in the process of being mailed out to everyone else this week. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. You can reach me at
New Online Donation Portal: Emmaus Road has a new online giving portal, which is very cool (if I may say so myself!). Click the link below and check it out!
This online portal will:
- Handle a one time donation from your credit card or your bank account (or by Apple Pay starting in April 2017);
- Handle a scheduled recurring donation from your credit card or your bank account (or by Apple Pay starting in April 2017);
- Send you a donation receipt via e-mail with every donation;
- Account for your donation in your Giving donor profile (so that you can look up your donation history any time you want);
- Automatically transfer the funds to Emmaus Road right after the donation is made (PayPal requires us to manually transfer funds, and then has a delay while the transfer processes).
If you want to make online donations to Emmaus Road, I encourage you to try this new online giving portal instead of PayPal, and let me know what you think.
That said, if you are a PayPal fan, that is a-ok too, you can stick with your routine! And, if you make donations by check, that is of course absolutely fine. This is just a new opportunity for folks who prefer to donate using an online option.
2017 Giving: All said and most importantly, THANK YOU for your generous giving to Emmaus Road -- it is your donations that make the work of Emmaus Road possible. Know that your giving spirit and monthly donations are truly the financial core of all that Emmaus Road does, and will continue to do, as we keep moving forward into 2017.
With Gratitude,
Your Emmaus Road Treasurer,
Christina Nelson
Monday, January 23, 2017
This text is from the email message published January 18, 2017
Dear Emmaus Road,
Dear Emmaus Road,
Normally in church life, there is an ongoing process of raising new leaders and allowing former leaders to rest, learn, and eventually return.
For our church, though, the process has been interrupted and arrested the last couple years. Now it feels like we have reached a time and place to renew our cycle of leadership recruiting, training, and empowering.
We have three leaders to acknowledge, thank, and release from their roles.
We have two new leaders to vote into office. I will send a separate email with a Doodle Poll link to call for the official vote.
We have several new leaders who are not “officers” but leading important areas of ministry.
We will also be recruiting some important leaders in the next several months before 2017 ends.
FIRSTLY, some gratitude:
Kristen Vander Linden, who served as our Sunday Crew Coordinator has handed the baton to Reba Ruiter. This already happened a year ago, but I can’t remember if this was formally, publicly, acknowledged. Thank you, Kristen, for the time and attention you devoted to this! Thank you, Reba, for taking this on and for beginning to use Planning Center Online to help us organize our system further!Mike Elenbaas, we thank you for several years of important work as both an elder and Treasurer. You were willing to wear two hats and brought much enthusiasm and energy to our Council. We hope to see these gifts emerge again in our future together.Teresa Elenbaas, we thank, you for the many years you served as our Children’s Ministry Coordinator, helping oversee several areas of activity, including supervision and encouragement of our Godly Play Storyteller, Matt Park. Your attention to detail and willingness to listen to divergent opinions is greatly appreciated.
SECONDLY, I have two church officers to recommend as candidates for Council:
I recommend Dan Ruiter as an elder. Dan is willing to resume elder responsibilities (he served as elder for several seasons in the past) alongside current elder, Rennie Araucto. We would once again have two elders, whose focus would be on being equipped, and equipping others, to help maintain discipleship as a ministry priority, and consult on major church decisions with Pastor Eric.I recommend Christina Nelson as Treasurer. Christina knows how to get things accomplished. She would be working alongside Jennifer Geelhood, Emmaus Road’s newly hired bookkeeper as of this month. Christina can help Emmaus Road achieve a new level of financial organization and cultivate some volunteer sustainability (in terms of the Treasurer role, which can be very demanding at times). Chandra Mullenix and David Anema remain as members of the Stewardship Team, lending support, too.I will soon send a separate email with a Doodle Poll link when I call for an official vote on these two candidates. Please contact me (Eric) with any questions or concerns about either candidate. You are encouraged to approach either Dan or Christina with respectful questions, as well.
THIRDLY, we have other leaders to celebrate:
Lara Fullner-Grennan is our liaison with the Nursery volunteers (not scheduling - which Reba oversees - but voicing any concerns/needs as they arise)Nicole Moxon (part-time staff), is our Godly Play Storyteller, our Convener of Children’s Ministry leadership for quarterly update conversations, our Safe Church Policy Administrator, and our liaison to the Greenbelt Youth Network, gathering youth from across churches for shared events and leader learning.Amy Araucto is taking on Big Kids from Angie, who we also thank for the last few years of coordination and oversight.Youth Mentors currently include Jade Guettler and Kevin Moxon, coached and encouraged by pastor Eric.Angie and Biff are sharing coordination of the New Horizons dinners, helping us revamp our menus, and working with various small groups.Alex and Jade Guettler are overseeing our supportive role with Aurora CommonsAs we celebrate these newer leaders who are stepping up this season, let us not forget the regular service and leadership of our musicians every Sunday, along with those who host and facilitate small group gatherings beyond Sunday. We also commend Biff for stepping up and making the transition from setup/takedown responsibilities to custodian and caretaker.
FINALLY, in the near future:
We need to raise up an elder representing the households from the North End,as well as an elder from the Maple Leaf area (along with our formal partnership with the Turnbulls and The House Ministries)a Building/Grounds Team and leader,an Easter Brunch coordinator,and someone inspired to help us do Church Camp again (maybe I’m the only one interested in that).We also need to officially welcome some of our newer ministry partners and worshippers as full-fledged members of the “Road Crew”, our nickname for “membership” with Emmaus Road. I am in the process of discerning how to communicate our leadership structure (which you can see is in transition).Please pray for each other, pray for our leaders, and ask for us to remain alert to the Holy Spirit’s wisdom.Stay tuned for more information!
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Background and Update in brief:
- October – Pastor Likkel invited to consider proposal to join temporary Interim Pastor Team to help First CRC refocus/renew; Emmaus Road Council affirms Eric’s involvement; basic announcement made via eWeekly to church
- Pastors Eric Likkel, Randy Rowland, and Brian Turnbull, constitute team
- November – First CRC’s council and congregation discuss/debate plan
- December 7th - First CRC votes to affirm plan to hire Interim Pastoral Team
- January - First CRC begins to pay each ministry – Emmaus, Sanctuary, House - $1600+ per month, to compensate for one day per week, and one Sunday per month, of pastoral leadership time
- January/February – Pastor Likkel works with Emmaus Road to discern options that work for Emmaus: which leadership areas could be shared by member volunteers, or part-time supported members or hires, or ministry areas scaled back, or dropped altogether; Erin Fullner-McCready assists Pastor and church with organizing new leadership arrangement, via graduate research project
- June - arrangement will be reviewed; if acceptable to First CRC and Interim Pastoral Team, may continue 18-24 months, or until First CRC ready to call next senior pastor
Friday, November 28, 2014
Sunday morning, November 23rd,
Emmaus Road gathered at the Likkels' for a
Here is a summary of what was spoken:
Emmaus Road gathered at the Likkels' for a
Here is a summary of what was spoken:
Back in the spring, we felt fatigue and fear.
We participated in a questionnaire facilitated by Council;
we identified some strengths and a few weaknesses.
In June, we agreed to a process of renewal,
involving identity, mission, vision, and ministry strategies.
Pastor Likkel convened a small team
including a few members, Council leaders,
and ministry colleagues from outside of Emmaus Road.
This "ReLaunch" team met in July and September.
During this period, we also moved our worship location
from New Horizons to the Seattle School.
Here, now, in November,
Pastor Likkel suggests we have reached a point
Pastor Likkel suggests we have reached a point
where a few important things have come into focus.
In fact, we are hearing and learning more from the entire chapter,
about the meaning of what happens on the Road to Emmaus,
and what happens later
when disciples converge in Jerusalem, and paths cross.
We also recognize a compelling call
to realign what we do together as a church
around Christ's call to follow him.
It is a confession that we want to return to an emphasis on discipleship,
which is neither about adding programs,
nor getting stuck in service provider mode.
It is about changing our posture, realigning our vision,
where we already are BEYOND SUNDAY.
This leads to another realization and confession:
Emmaus Road's BIG MISSION is not to align ourselves all in one place,
to pursue community development, or refugee resettlement,
or some other worthy,
theoretically unifying, CAUSE.
Rather, Emmaus Road's BIG MISSION is to equip members
for the individual MISSIONS
we each discover beyond Sunday.
As a church, we are called to equip and empower each other
to be alert to how Jesus walks alongside us,
that we also walk alongside our neighbor, family member, and coworker.
This may lead us, individually,
into neighborhood renewal where we live,
poverty alleviation, or justice advocacy.
Sunday worship events are where these roads cross,
with testimony, word, sacrament, song, and prayer.
We encourage and equip each other for the journey.
Churches are tempted to grow by
while avoiding SUBTRACTION:
while avoiding SUBTRACTION:
we compete with other congregations
from a shrinking pool of church goers,
DIVIDING members among each other,
ADDING them to our crowd,
producing programs to hold consumer's attention,
slowing the inevitable EXIT
to a better church with better programs,
or out of church altogether.
to a better church with better programs,
or out of church altogether.
We are called to do something else:
be disciples and make disciples.
This is growth by MULTIPLICATION.
Your life, beyond Sunday, what happens outside your front door,
is your mission field, the "front door field."
It is this field for which your church needs to equip you
to faithfully serve and witness.
Small Groups can foster space where we encourage, equip,
and provide accountability to one another.
Sundays can be aligned as crossroads events,
where we celebrate, inspire, and teach.
These are the questions we must answer,
in order to draw strategy around true realignment.
Changes of heart and mind precede changes in structure.
We began to discuss this at the November 23rd gathering;
here are some notes:
- Seeing what God is doing already where you are.
- Warmth within our community, which spans from Sundays to Small Groups.
- Relationships of accountability (not control), fostered by healthy communication.
- Our new worship space.
- Multiplying Small Groups.
- Multiplying events where people can gather and bond.
- Worship music inspires us.
- Hearing the Word each Sunday.
- Children's ministry, led by gifted, dedicated adult members and staff.
- Perception of children's ministry as underdeveloped, understaffed, stretched volunteers; clash of consumer culture approach and discipling relationship approach.
- Thin relationships across body.
- Self-censoring when we could be witnessing, inviting, speaking truth in love.
- Financial stress, sustainability struggles.
- Previous worship space.
- Harried, hurried, preoccupied, busy members with overstuffed calendars.
- Equipping for service Beyond Sunday - not there yet.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
This memo provides a summary of giving and expenses for our church in 2014. As we’ve mentioned a few times this year, giving is down and we as a church body will need to increase giving in order to avoid the need to take actions to cut expenses.
Giving vs. Expenses
The figure below shows actual monthly giving and expenses for our church for the year 2014. The red bars in the chart show expenses each month, while the blue bars show monthly total giving/tithes. We’ve included a blue dashed line to show the average giving amount (approximately $6,500), which compares to the red-dashed line that shows the average monthly expenses of approximately $7,800.
Unfortunately this again shows how our giving remains below expenses. We started the year with money in the bank account, which has allowed us to continue to pay the bills, but as we’ve mentioned several times this year, our cash reserves again are low and without increased giving we’ll need to take action to cut back on expenses.
This is of course not something we want to do, so are being clear with the budget situation so that those that are able to give, and even increase their giving, will understand our church’s need.
Note that we are behind paying rent for office space by several months, and have not been able to make our denomination payment this year due to the lower giving we’ve been experiencing.
Thank you Ryan!!
Please thank Ryan Engel for his faithful service to our church as a member of the stewardship team the last 5+ years. He has done a lot of work behind the scenes keeping the books, making sure payments go out, keeping good records. Please reach out to Ryan and thank him for his service to us all – he has done this faithfully and with integrity and has earned our thanks and appreciation (and a well-earned break).
Closing Thoughts
God continues to provide for our church through all of our giving. We’ve been running a lean budget for a couple of years now, and we continually have ups and downs with giving. But let’s not forget that we’ve stepped up in the past collectively and God has shown he is faithful to us by providing what we need to remain sustainable as a church. As we enter the holidays, please consider stepping up to give to our church, so that we can end 2014 on the right foot and begin 2015 in a strong position financially.
Any questions, here are your stewardship team members, and please direct ‘detail’ questions to Mike:
Mike Elenbaas:
David Anema:
Chandra Mullenix
This memo provides a summary of giving and expenses for our church in 2014. As we’ve mentioned a few times this year, giving is down and we as a church body will need to increase giving in order to avoid the need to take actions to cut expenses.
Giving vs. Expenses
The figure below shows actual monthly giving and expenses for our church for the year 2014. The red bars in the chart show expenses each month, while the blue bars show monthly total giving/tithes. We’ve included a blue dashed line to show the average giving amount (approximately $6,500), which compares to the red-dashed line that shows the average monthly expenses of approximately $7,800.
Unfortunately this again shows how our giving remains below expenses. We started the year with money in the bank account, which has allowed us to continue to pay the bills, but as we’ve mentioned several times this year, our cash reserves again are low and without increased giving we’ll need to take action to cut back on expenses.
This is of course not something we want to do, so are being clear with the budget situation so that those that are able to give, and even increase their giving, will understand our church’s need.

The figure below visually shows what makes up our expenses year to date. As most of you are aware, we have a steady monthly budget with little fluctuation month to month. The bulk of our expenses are of course for Pastor Eric, with other significant amounts each month for office rent and rent for Sunday worship time.
Note that we are behind paying rent for office space by several months, and have not been able to make our denomination payment this year due to the lower giving we’ve been experiencing.
Thank you Ryan!!
Please thank Ryan Engel for his faithful service to our church as a member of the stewardship team the last 5+ years. He has done a lot of work behind the scenes keeping the books, making sure payments go out, keeping good records. Please reach out to Ryan and thank him for his service to us all – he has done this faithfully and with integrity and has earned our thanks and appreciation (and a well-earned break).
Closing Thoughts
God continues to provide for our church through all of our giving. We’ve been running a lean budget for a couple of years now, and we continually have ups and downs with giving. But let’s not forget that we’ve stepped up in the past collectively and God has shown he is faithful to us by providing what we need to remain sustainable as a church. As we enter the holidays, please consider stepping up to give to our church, so that we can end 2014 on the right foot and begin 2015 in a strong position financially.
Any questions, here are your stewardship team members, and please direct ‘detail’ questions to Mike:
Mike Elenbaas:
David Anema:
Chandra Mullenix
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