Wednesday, November 23, 2011


1. Budget Proposal

· Mike Elenbaas presented proposed budget as had been published a week prior; congregational giving throughout 1st three quarters kept pace with expenses; expenses kept fairly static; no staff raises for couple years; health insurance premiums lowered; office & worship space rent increased normal modest amount; cash reserves in bank account kept level, but some big end-of-year bills remain due

· Q&A: discussion ensued around ways to spend 10% collective end-of-year offering outside Emmaus Road; also how to gauge keeping bank account stocked to cover three months' expenses as various financial obligations or opportunities arise

· Vote: Road Crew approved proposed budget; also approved scheduling follow-up finance-centered Road Crew mtg. in Spring

2. Children’s Ministry Update

· Deacon Teresa shared briefly how trial program, Big Kids' Bible Worship, has been going; so far so good, but time for additional volunteers has come; Angie should not sustain current level of leadership indefinitely

3. Roots and Branches Update

· Pastor Likkel refreshed Road Crew's memory around Nine Roots/Branches, with few examples of developments; pledged to keep these areas of ministry growth before the church; invited participation, again, around individual members' areas of passion, calling, interest, etc.

4. Welcome New Members

· Road Crew privileged to officially welcome Josh Gillanders, husband of Kara (Rozeboom), into Road Crew for first time! Severtsens and others to be welcomed at upcoming Road Crew.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Once a month, Emmaus Road partners with New Horizons to serve dinner on the first Wednesday. It is a privilege to address our city's "orphans" (as James would say), so regularly. What works best in leadig the effort, is to tackle hosting and serving dinner as a team; one person lines up people, the other lines up food. If switching dates is necessary, as much notice as possible really helps. Please make the most of these opportunities; invite friends; people seem to get a lot out of serving together, not to mention the hungry youths who come for dinner.

November 2, 2011 - Belltown Group (Eric/Ryan)
December 7, 2011 - South End Group (Rennie/Cynthia)
January 4, 2012 - Crown Hill Group (Christina/Beth)
February 1, 2012 - Guys Bible Study (Mark R./Brad)
March 7, 2012 - Belltown Group (Eric/Ryan)
April 4, 2012 - South End Group (Rennie/Cynthia)
May 2, 2012 - Crown Hill Group (Christina/Beth)
June 6, 2012 - Guys Bible Study (Mark R./Ed)
July 4, 2012 - Belltown Group (Eric/Ryan)
August 1, 2012 - South End Group (Rennie/Cynthia)

Saturday, November 12, 2011


1. Budget Proposal

· Presentation

· Q&A

· Vote

2. Children’s Ministry Update

3. Roots and Branches Update

4. Welcome New Members

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Emmaus Road Church: Budget Handout Overview
The stewardship team has created this handout to brief Road Crew on our financial status ahead of next week’s Road Crew meeting on Sunday, November 13 after our regular service. Please review this handout and feel free to contact the Stewardship Team at the email addresses at the end of this handout with any questions you have on the information herein so we can be sure to either a) answer your question via email prior to the November 13 meeting, or b) address your questions in the Road Crew meeting on November 13.

Expenses This Year
The chart below shows how our monthly expenses have stacked up. As you can see, every year our expenses vary from month to month. The average expenses from January through September of this year were approximately $9,400 per month. This is because many of our expenses are quarterly or annual expenses that are not paid each and every month. This highlights the need for some cash reserves for our church, which is discussed further in the ‘Cash Reserves’ section below.

Giving Trends
Giving levels have been steady this year, thanks to the combination of regular monthly, bi-monthly, and annual or semi-annual tithes by Road Crew members. Thank you all for stepping up after our March Road Crew meeting where we highlighted our decreasing cash reserves. As the chart to the right and the following ‘Cash Reserves’ section show, our giving has been steady and at a level that is sustainable.

The upcoming holiday season typically results in an uptick in giving for our church, which is a good thing, since it balances out our typical lower level of giving in the summer months (vacation season ☺).

Cash Reserves
As the chart to the right shows, our net cash reserves have been holding fairly steady through the summer and into the fall months of this year. This is thanks to the strong level of giving through the spring and summer by you, the Road Crew. Keep it up!
It is important to note that the majority of our cash reserves are necessary to manage the month to month cash flow of our church. This is because giving does not always occur at the same time expenses need to be paid. Keep up the faithful giving – you answered the call at our March 2011 Road Crew meeting to continue to faithfully give to support the work of our church. Our current reserves are at a healthy level and as mentioned have held steady the last 6 months. Thank you again Road Crew!

Proposed Budget
The stewardship team will propose the following monthly budget at the upcoming November 13 Road Crew Meeting. This budget is consistent with the level of monthly expenditures Emmaus Road has had for the last year. Note that the monthly budget below includes monthly average calculations of several expenses that are paid quarterly or once a year.

Please note our recommendation of tithing 10% of our Church’s giving every year. This giving goes to several worthy organizations and people on a regular and annual basis. For example, we give regularly to support Asabe in Nigeria and HCI (Wycliffe). We also have supported AmeriCorps through Communities First. Part of our tithe goes to pay our classical shares – this pays for our Christian Reformed Church denomination activities such as world missions. Finally at the end of each calendar year, during Christmas time, Emmaus Road Church tithes to various partner organizations that we pray for on a regular basis. These can include Union Gospel Mission, New Horizons Mission, Acres of Diamonds, Roots Church, and Storytellers Church. The stewardship team proposes to make the level of giving from our church equal to 10% of the giving to our church each year.

What You Should Do Road Crew
Celebrate that we are, together, able to sustain ourselves financially. Continue to pray for the financial sustainability of our church. Continue to give faithfully – this is a natural part of our life together in Christ. Please read this handout prior to next week’s Road Crew meeting on November 13, following the service. Be prepared to discuss this at the Road Crew meeting. Send any questions you have to the stewardship team at the email addresses below.

Stewardship team email addresses:
• Ryan Engel at:
• Mike Elenbaas at:
• David Anema at:

Friday, November 4, 2011


From Deacon Kristen Vander Linden

Hello ER friends,

It's that time of year again - time to put together the Emmaus Road volunteer schedule for the next 6 months. I'm trying to get a bit of an early start with a goal to have it together within the next few weeks. This schedule will be for January 1st - June 30, 2012. I was really happy about the response and participation on the last round, and hope to keep that same momentum, so I invite you all again to think about where you'd like to share your gifts and service.

I'd like to focus this time on
Children's Ministry, as we would love more volunteers in this area. If you haven't already heard, there are a couple of new opportunities on Sunday morning in which to participate in Children's ministry. Our "Big Kids' Bible Workshop", which meets every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month during the worship service, has two positions to fill; a "Big Kids Leader" and a "Big Kids Helper". Please see the descriptions below, along with the one for "Godly Play Doorperson". Since these positions involve people missing out on the majority of the worship service, we'd love a larger pool of volunteers, so that each person is only committed to a few Sundays at most within the six month period. If you'd like to observe Godly play or Big Kids Workshop before committing, thats definitely a possibility as well! Angie has been an integral leader in the start up of this program :) Thank you Angie!

Big Kids: Leader
Lead group of kids (2nd grade on up) with a bible story, followed by a response time of art or journaling. Stories and materials are provided. Suggested prep involves previewing the provided story and follow-up questions before the group meets.

Big Kids: Helper
Model listening to story , assist leader as needed, interact with kids in group during response time. Role does not require prep, though the helper could preview the story and follow-up questions

Godly Play Doorperson:
Greet children as they enter, model listening to story, assist Godly Play teacher, help put away Godly Play materials after church

As always, we also have the following areas of service:
Nursery, hosting (coffee and snack set up), greeting, reading, slides, take down and prayer.

I'd love a response from everyone by Sunday, November 13. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like any more information about these areas of service.

Thanks everyone! It's good to serve! :)


Our next Road Crew lunch is Sunday, November 13. Why meet over lunch after worship? At the October Council meeting, the Elders and Deacons agreed that Sunday lunch meetings seem better attended than our previous Thursday night meetings. The quality of our Sunday meetings seems better than week nights, also, because we've been worshiping together ahead of time; we are ready to hear and discuss ministry with a better spirit. This coming Road Crew meeting will include voting on a proposed budget, officially welcoming new members, and hearing an update regarding Children's Ministry. Beyond the "business" of ministry, though, we will be enjoying fellowship. Bonding over food is as important as voting over decisions together; the Council decided we should do this more often. As we move forward as a church, look forward to more food and fellowship on Sunday afternoons!


Have you met Josh and Kara Gillanders? They married in 2009. Kara is one of Emmaus Road's earliest members from the late 90's; Josh recently decided to join the Road Crew, too. After talking through the Milestones to Membership, and what it means to be a committed, participating member of Emmaus Road, I invited Josh to answer a few questions that would help others become a little better acquainted with him.

1. Life Beyond Sunday: What sorts of ways do you spend your time, in work, family, and other pursuits?
My life consists of spending as much time with my wonderful wife, Kara, exercising, going to school two nights a week, working a full time job that includes every other weekend being on call, skiing in the winters as time permits, and spending as much time as possible with my family. When Kara and I are able to, we also try to travel.

2. Emmaus Road: when did you begin coming to worship? What led you to join the Road Crew?
I started coming to worship at Emmaus Road shortly after meeting Kara in 2006. More likely early 2007. Faith and God are an important part of who Kara is and as I got to know her better, their importance in my life also increased, as did my understanding. What led me to join the Road Crew was in part my upbringing in the church and Emmaus Road's overall atmosphere: one where people are welcome regardless of their background, non-judgmental, and acceptance of you no matter what. This stands in stark contrast to a lot of churches out there and why I did not attend church for a long time.

3. Faith: is there anything you could share about what you have been learning about God, yourself, or faith?
I have learned and re-learned just how powerful and loving God is. How He accepts you and loves you unconditionally without judgment. He holds you accountable to be sure, but always forgives. As a result of this, I have learned and am continuing to learn the value of patience, love, and what it means to be a Christian and how it influences my daily life as well as my interactions with family, friends, and co-workers/colleagues. I have learned and am continuing to experience just how tough "having faith" can be, but with God, it's much easier to remember what it takes and that He will never give me more than I can't handle.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Have you ever read Romans 16? Paul names a long list of people and places linked together as churches who belong to THE Church; households and congregations linked together, who support one another. Though they were rooted in a certain part of Rome, or some other region, or are identified with particular host or leader, there was a sense of connection between them.

What does this have to do with Emmaus Road? One of the nine ROOTS & BRANCHES our church discerned as a ministry priority is for us to grow beyond our sense of "rootedness" to becoming more "linked". Our sister churches of the Christian Reformed Cluster in Seattle, our neighborhood partners in the Belltown Covenant, our colaborers in the Gospel for whom we intercede, and others - these are like the people and groups listed in Romans 16 in our context. How can we support one another, collaborate, and share, for the sake of the Kingdom?

How do envision Emmaus Road could be more linked? Is this an area of growth that interests you? Let your pastor know.

Check out the ROOTED & LINKED video.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Rob & Kristin ask Emmaus Road for help. Expecting a new child soon, they know Kristin's maternity leave will end by the beginning of February. Daycare at her place of employment is for 1 year olds and up; this first year, they need to find someone trustworthy and reliable to watch their infant for 10 to 16 hours per week in their home.

Hours: mon-fri from 4pm to 7:30pm at the latest
Pay: about $10 per hour

If interested, contact Pastor Likkel who can provide Rob and Kristin's phone numbers.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Meeting over lunch following worship

Goals of Meeting:
1. Presentation: Time to Try Some New Things:
• Children’s Ministry; Parenting Beyond Sunday
2. Invitation to participate
3. Blessing on leaders, volunteers



Throughout year of listening, Pastor able to interview about 90% parents.
• Affirmations: parents/kids participating in Godly Play program report positive experiences w/Matt and Godly Play stories; parents also grateful for relationships between various adults from congregation and children; Groundworks Sunday projects important to children, as well as adults
• Shared concern: from several parents, desire for something during sermon & prayer times on Sunday mornings to be offered for children not quite ready to stay/participate through entire worship service; current Godly Play program during worship great, but geared to younger children (roughly pre-school through 1st/2nd grade); TIME TO TRY SOMETHING NEW
• Regarding Parenting Beyond Sunday, couple specific issues emerged; few ideas for us to explore.

After considering concerns voiced during parent interviews, Pastor convened small brainstorm group in July, including Children's Ministry Deacon Teresa Elenbaas, Godly Play team member Rennie Araucto, and Children's Ministry volunteer Angie R.; proposal from this group offered to Council, August 4; Council's main concerns included possible burnout among parent volunteers, since this is a NEW program added to other Children's Ministry activities; Council also affirmed that Emmaus Road values participation of children/youth during worship. Those concerns voiced, Council approved launch of this program on trial basis.
• Program was announced in August eWeeklies
• Sunday, September 18: Godly Play will resume, but only session for younger children during service; the 9:30AM session formerly prior to worship will be suspended, at least temporarily, as we try new program for older kids during worship. Angie R. will lead Big Kids’ Bible Workshop (current name of new program) on trial basis, every other Sunday for several months.

Important: this program is a trial only; Angie and Teresa need help and welcome further input and participation; many details are still being determined. This program can only move forward if a strong handful of volunteers come together as a team.

Pastor Likkel listened to Emmaus Road parents talk about how they nurture their children's faith beyond Sunday, as well as ways they remember their own parents modeling faith in Christ; a couple issues emerged. Addressing these issues like nurturing spiritual "roots"; will help strengthen families and church.
  1. One issue is that of recognizing our role as Christian parents; we are called to care and pray for our children, and communicate faith in word and deed at home and throughout life together in our families. This role not always acknowledged; often parents tempted to turn over faith development of children to others.
  2. Related to this, other issue for us to address as a church is how our own relationship with God can become transparent to our children; we cannot answer all questions, nor live perfectly as disciples, nor model sainthood always, but we must reveal to our children how Gospel of Jesus, our personal redemption, and presence of his Spirit, impact our lives and relationships

What do we do about these two issues; how do we nurture these roots? Few things we can explore:
  1. sharing of stories, what seems to be working (or not) in our homes; sharing of favorite resources, books, film, etc.;
  2. learning events, such as Children in the Faith Community: Continuing the Conversation, Thursday, October 13, 11:30am - 1:30pm, Saint Paul's Episcopal Church, Seattle and Children, Youth and Family Ministry in the 21st Century, Monday, October 24 · 6:30pm - 9:00pm, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Lynwood.

Rather than engage in large group Q&A after the presentation, Pastor Likkel invited anyone interested to come over to the front table to discuss the new Children's Ministry program with himself, Deacon Teresa Elenbaas or Angie R. following the prayer and dismissal.

To close the meeting, Pastor Likkel invited each of the Children's Ministry leaders, volunteers, parents, grandparents, and finally the entire "spiritual family" of Emmaus Road to stand; a prayer asking for blessing, spiritual support, and guidance was offered as we launch into a new season of ministry.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


12:10 Road Crew welcomed; pizza was served; agenda was stated

12:05 Pastor presented NINE SIGNS OF GROWTH, or NINE PIECES OF VISION (see details in agenda):

Rooted/Linked (see video)


Evangelism Beyond Sunday; 1 Peter 3:15

Dads/Dudes multiplied

Parenting Beyond Sunday

Church Big instead of Big Church; Joshua 17:14-18

$ Discipline

Deacons – more

Get To versus Have To

12:40 Pastor explains how church will pursue these changes:

Each/every church member encouraged to discern how personal passions, gifts, experience overlap with one or more area; communicate back to Pastor/Council

Council to organize, launch teams of members to oversee and cultivate each area of growth.

Pastor commits to keeping NINE SIGNS visible, recasting vision(s), keeping them in Council agendas, and reflecting these from pulpit and in liturgy on Sundays, too.


Not many comments/questions; one member appreciates Pastor's pledge to keep NINE SIGNS visible in front of church so they do not fade into "flavor of the month" forgotten words.

Financial update showed improvement in monthly income/expense ratio; no cuts currently advised (picture below); if giving remains consistent through summer, outlook for next year brighter.

12:45 Reminder to sign up to participate; members also asked to
make Elder nominations by next Sunday, June 19.

Next Road Crew - September 11, 2011; Agenda = Children's Ministry and Parent Ministry launch; $ update.

Final prayer offered; Road Crew dismissed.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Goals of Meeting:

  1. Receive Council Proposal
  2. Q&A
  3. Sign Up to participate





Road Crew; Council; Pastor

12:25 Q&A re: PROPOSAL



Rooted/Linked (see video)

· Cooperate w/churches, ministries, for greater programming, training, community service, fellowship, administrative efficiency, church planting, etc.

· Leverage established relationships w/Seattle CRC Cluster; Belltown Covenant partners; Parish Collective; other?


· Improve access to church community/ministry; not about niche marketing, pen switching, sheep stealing

Evangelism Beyond Sunday; 1 Peter 3:15

· Embrace story of our name, Emmaus Road; acknowledge how introducing people to Jesus begins “out there” with EACH OF US, even if it someday leads to Sunday

· Embrace evangelism/discipleship among “non-churchable”

· Gospel transparency among each of us; have hope; be prepared to explain

Dads/Dudes multiplied

· Social activity of Emmaus Road as important as worship, bible study, community development

· Should be multiplied for women, parents, other groupings?

· Simple “structure” and low expectations seem to help it happen

Parenting Beyond Sunday

· Families need to be equipped for evangelism/discipleship @ home

· As Mon-Sat. faith development strengthened, Sunday programs put in proper perspective

· Generations of neglect/passivity in church culture requires persistent challenging

Church Big instead of Big Church; Joshua 17:14-18

· Different measurements of ministry yield insight into how “small” churches can make significant impact in people’s lives; God multiplies

· Related to vision of Emmaus Road becoming more Rooted/Linked

$ Discipline

· Continue changing culture of complacency into culture of urgency around $ generosity, sharing, faithful tithing

· Embrace sacrificial giving as important part of every Christian’s response to Gospel (get to, not have to)

Deacons – more

· Beyond current Elders and acknowledged Deacons, there are others who could benefit from joining leadership Council, working not as isolated, occasional responders, but regularly contributing, equipped leaders

Get To versus Have To

· Changing experience, feelings, and perceptions around serving and ministering, from “I have to do my duty” to “I get to participate in God’s work with my gifts/resources”

· Address specific issues, including:

- isolation

- stuck in thankless role; under appreciated

- feeling over-extended; saddled with multiple layers of responsibility

- Nursery/Godly Play volunteers missing out on worship

- Misperceptions of magnitude; a look at actual numbers of Sundays assigned may reveal load to be lighter than one thinks (e.g.; only 12 Sundays of Godly Play this upcoming fall)

· Discern how to evaluate support/equip each other to thrive in service

· Carefully set expectations, rather than blindly inherit

· Celebrate what we get from giving, what we learn in serving

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Finally, Road Crew, I am able to furnish a list of potential Elder nominees:

Cornell Blackwell, Mike Elenbaas, Biff Gaitan, Erin Fullner-McCready, Dan Ruiter, Reba Ruiter

Road Crew members, pray and discern, by Sunday June 19, two people you will nominate from this list to step into the Elder role at Emmaus Road, serving from summer 2011 through summer 2013 or beyond. I will receive your two nominations via email, in person, on a slip of paper folded up in the white box, by telephone, or any other discreet means you would like to employ. After receiving all of your nominations by June 19, I will talk to the individuals the church is affirming and discern with them whether they are ready and willing to accept this leadership role. I hope to have clearly identified Elders by Sunday June 26. Pray for the Lord's guidance throughout this process; it is a collective effort that God wants us each of us to carry out in faith.

Incidentally, if the list seems like it could be longer and more inclusive, consider the following: the Elder candidate pool begins larger, but then is paired down to Road Crew members who
- are not currently serving as an Elder (or recently stepping away from Elder role)
- are not married to an Elder
- have not requested having their name removed from the list of potential Elder candidates

Read more about this process.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Over "40 Days" we asked God to guide us; we took time to listen; we gathered to speak. May 15 Road Crew notes have been posted online already; May 24 Council notes are also online. Council agreed that the Road Crew meeting was positive; the church was affirmed; ministry was celebrated; we seem enthusiastic about continuing; people did not suggest too many specifics. What has emerged, then, in terms of Emmaus Road's future? God does not often hand out specifics, yet he does guide us into the paradox of sacrifice and abundance, feeding, growing, and multiplying us as his people. He also gives us signs, pointing us toward him. He assures us he is building us up, individually, and as a church. As we cooperate, in faith, he leads us forward. Here are nine themes - nine signs - which DID emerge out of this recent period of prayer, learning, and dialogue. Eight of these were brought by the Pastor; one was suggested by Council:

Rooted/Linked (see video)
Evangelism Beyond Sunday
Dads/Dudes multiplied
Parenting Beyond Sunday
Church Big vs. Big Church
$ Discipline
Deacons - more
Get To versus Have To

What these mean, in terms of specific actions in time and place, is our next challenge to discern. I hope you share the urgency and excitement I have, about Emmaus Road's next steps. June 12 is our next scheduled opportunity to hear more about these signs, these themes, and figure out summer and fall plans. Consider these signs/themes as pieces of vision God is giving us.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


12:00 PM Pastor greeted everyone;

· restated goal of mtg; to hear from one another following a “40 Day” period of prayer and reflection, asking God to guide Emmaus Road forward; taking notes on what is shared into Council/Elder mtgs prior to June 12 Road Crew “business” mtg.

· read Emmaus Road’s Name/Story, Motto, and statement of Call/Mission – “Emmaus Road in Belltown; Emmaus Road around the Sound”

People invited to share:

· Eric began: shared story of “Totcho’s” involving Mark/Angie and neighbors @ Greenwood Artwalk

· Suellen shared inspiration garnered from loving acts of fellow members painting their house

· Kurt shared story of Sacramento church that had faded, then come back to life, growth, based on testimony of women attending INHABIT conference recently

· Mark N. shared how unique Emmaus Road is, in terms of “fit” for certain people, including himself, coming from a non-active church life previously

· Erin testified that since belonging to Emmaus Road, she is feeling more solid in faith, more able to share faith and find people faith around her at work

· Rennie/Amy shared story of their own journey through complacency, coming to realization that issues connecting/relating to church had less to do with church, more to do with their own lifestyle/efforts; once they chose to re-engage, belonging to church felt different, good again

· Andrew/Chandra shared how begin part of Emmaus Road, then New Horizons, eventually led to foster parenting pursuits; realized strength of church community essential to personal support as future parents

· Cornell feels pressure to work Sundays; resisting because cannot imagine losing this crucial relationship with spiritual family, and identifies the pressure as part of a spiritual conflict

· Anna-Marie encouraged by prayers of church; has impacted work, school

· AM also looks forward to sharing ministry w/other congregations; shared testimony, stories, would strengthen all

· Mike E. shared how fears around future of children’s ministries abated as he considered the strength of multi-congregational approaches

· Mike also shared that he knows he could be more transparent about his church family w/those outside Emmaus Road

· Beth affirms Parenting Beyond Sunday as a prime responsibility; church’s collective efforts to nurture children must happen in concert with parents’ own initiatives; there is a unique witness kids receive in fellowship of church, special relationships with diverse crowd they would be less likely to know outside church

· Beth also affirmed promotion of Emmaus Road versus isolation; AND cultivating value of each of us putting our $ where our mouth is to continue sharing ministry together

· Mark N. echoed Beth; stated how important it is not to kick the $ down the road, to pursue change now, not at moment of crisis

· Mark N. believes that exposure to the fellowship of diversity that is Emmaus Road is THE program that is most important for children of church to experience

· Suellen testified to the truth and mystery of divine supply; faith is required, leaning on God’s provision without seeing it all, moving as Spirit leads in shared ministry of obedience, sacrifice, risk, trusting God will give what is needed to continue forward

· Tracey reflected on meaning of how Christ gives, not as world gives; there is a balance achieved, real peace, when perceptions of needs and actual provisions meet; sometimes it is more one than the other, but it is not the natural, worldly way, of only focusing on provision, not dealing with perception

· Alicia testified to the love evidenced in Emmaus Road

· Alicia also testified to how God has provided spiritual strength, ability, power, to follow through in difficult ministry scenarios, she would have previously avoided before being part of Emmaus Road

· Angie emphasized the need to be engaged with one another; to grow spiritually, one must belong to communicative, intentionally encouraging, gently pushing community; e.g. prayer for each of us is strengthened when we pray together communally

· Eric challenged everyone to come fifteen minutes earlier Sunday mornings to facilitate praying together more than we do during our typical hour of worship liturgy


All held hands in prayer; shared primarily prayers of thanksgiving and praise.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Beth DeVries has more than fulfilled her term as elder and is stepping back from the role in the very near future. This follows the term fulfillment and/or departure of two other elders over the last year, leaving us with three continuing: Rennie Araucto, Kurt Munson, and David Anema. Therefore, it is time for us to identify two members of our body to serve as elders.

April 25-May 14 - Elders speak to members and gather list of willing candidates
May 15 - publish finalized "nominee pool" online and during Road Crew meeting; church encouraged to pray and begin submitting nominations May 29; Road Crew members privately communicate two nominees/choices to Pastor Likkel; email, call, write, fold ballot in white box on Sunday, etc.
June 5 - final Sunday to submit nominations; Pastor contacts emerging candidates to discuss serving as elder
June 12 - officially welcome and "install" two elders (who would minimally serve through June 2013)

Calling (Roles/Goals) of Elders among Emmaus Road
• Meet regularly to pray for church, share updates
• Shepherd congregation through visitation, prayer, listening; seek to connect with members in the margins – ill, absent, lonely, confined
• Advise and inform Road Crew
• Encourage Deacons, other leaders, along w/Pastor
• Assist Pastor in calling and appointing leaders
• Receive/release Road Crew members
• Consent to term of two years minimally

Criteria (in addition to biblical criteria, Emmaus Road's contextual particulars):
• Member of Road Crew (no time requirement)
• Relationally connected (no Small Group membership requirement, but encouraged)
• Prayerful; student of Word
• Will not serve if married to another Elder nominee
• Not overly burdened by role as Deacon
• Meet biblical requirements: 1 Timothy 3:1-12; 5:17; Titus 1:6-9 provide a non-exhaustive list of biblical qualifications for those recognized as Elders in the church