Saturday, March 12, 2011


Emmaus Road, we are in one of those seasons, asking God to give us specific guidance as a church. What is most important to God, for this body? How does he want us to grow and change? Accept the invitation to join in "40 DAYS" OF DISCERNMENT. This is an intentional period of prayer and deliberation as we prepare to make some big decisions together in a few months. It is not literally a forty day process - it is a little longer - but since it is launched the first Sunday of Lent, it is handy to think of it following the church calendar. Here is what you are being asked to do:

  • confess your hopes, dreams, and fears about Emmaus Road to God; listen for his response
  • ask God to reveal his will AND show us the resources to carry it out
Join the SWOT conversation online (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats); respond to the blog entries from January and February or email Pastor Likkel.

Share your perceptions with the Pastor, Elders, and/or Deacons

In your Small Group discussions, talk about how the process is going, especially around the end of April and beginning of May.

May 15 Road Crew; sharing testimony from the "40 DAYS"
June 19 (or 23) Road Crew; vote on Council proposals; install two new Elders

FYI, Council Calendar is online: 3/22 Elders&Deacons; 4/12 Elders; 5/10 Elders&Deacons

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