Thursday, April 21, 2011


Beth DeVries has more than fulfilled her term as elder and is stepping back from the role in the very near future. This follows the term fulfillment and/or departure of two other elders over the last year, leaving us with three continuing: Rennie Araucto, Kurt Munson, and David Anema. Therefore, it is time for us to identify two members of our body to serve as elders.

April 25-May 14 - Elders speak to members and gather list of willing candidates
May 15 - publish finalized "nominee pool" online and during Road Crew meeting; church encouraged to pray and begin submitting nominations May 29; Road Crew members privately communicate two nominees/choices to Pastor Likkel; email, call, write, fold ballot in white box on Sunday, etc.
June 5 - final Sunday to submit nominations; Pastor contacts emerging candidates to discuss serving as elder
June 12 - officially welcome and "install" two elders (who would minimally serve through June 2013)

Calling (Roles/Goals) of Elders among Emmaus Road
• Meet regularly to pray for church, share updates
• Shepherd congregation through visitation, prayer, listening; seek to connect with members in the margins – ill, absent, lonely, confined
• Advise and inform Road Crew
• Encourage Deacons, other leaders, along w/Pastor
• Assist Pastor in calling and appointing leaders
• Receive/release Road Crew members
• Consent to term of two years minimally

Criteria (in addition to biblical criteria, Emmaus Road's contextual particulars):
• Member of Road Crew (no time requirement)
• Relationally connected (no Small Group membership requirement, but encouraged)
• Prayerful; student of Word
• Will not serve if married to another Elder nominee
• Not overly burdened by role as Deacon
• Meet biblical requirements: 1 Timothy 3:1-12; 5:17; Titus 1:6-9 provide a non-exhaustive list of biblical qualifications for those recognized as Elders in the church