On a rainy Spring Forward Sunday morning, having lost an hour of sleep, AND contending with green St. Pat's Day Dashers filling up the street parking, we still had a pretty decent turnout! It shall be remembered as our 1st Annual Lenten Road Crew Lunch. Jeff and Suellen Yerger crafted a delicious array of soups and breads, all prepared at home. We began our meeting officially welcoming Lara Fullner-Grennan and Erin Fullner into the Road Crew. The remainder of the meeting consisted of a 20 minute presentation: Pastor Eric Likkel's "state of the church" address, sharing joys and sorrows, and an invitation to engage in "
40 Days of Discernment" together; Mike Elenbaas offered an update on Emmaus Road's finances;
charts online. We concluded with a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday and enjoyed FOUR birthday cakes for Cornell (thank you, bakers). There were no votes or decisions called for, but a passionate plea to engage in prayer, consult with one another, interact with the Pastor and Council, and return to share what the Lord places on your heart - May 15. Big decisions will be made together - June 19.
you forgot something important! We then sang Happy Birthday to Cornell and enjoyed cake :)
So sorry we had to miss all this, we were invited to a friend's church that week...belated Happy Bday Cornell. Will definitely engage in the "40 Days of Discernment"...See you all next week...
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