Friday, November 4, 2011


From Deacon Kristen Vander Linden

Hello ER friends,

It's that time of year again - time to put together the Emmaus Road volunteer schedule for the next 6 months. I'm trying to get a bit of an early start with a goal to have it together within the next few weeks. This schedule will be for January 1st - June 30, 2012. I was really happy about the response and participation on the last round, and hope to keep that same momentum, so I invite you all again to think about where you'd like to share your gifts and service.

I'd like to focus this time on
Children's Ministry, as we would love more volunteers in this area. If you haven't already heard, there are a couple of new opportunities on Sunday morning in which to participate in Children's ministry. Our "Big Kids' Bible Workshop", which meets every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month during the worship service, has two positions to fill; a "Big Kids Leader" and a "Big Kids Helper". Please see the descriptions below, along with the one for "Godly Play Doorperson". Since these positions involve people missing out on the majority of the worship service, we'd love a larger pool of volunteers, so that each person is only committed to a few Sundays at most within the six month period. If you'd like to observe Godly play or Big Kids Workshop before committing, thats definitely a possibility as well! Angie has been an integral leader in the start up of this program :) Thank you Angie!

Big Kids: Leader
Lead group of kids (2nd grade on up) with a bible story, followed by a response time of art or journaling. Stories and materials are provided. Suggested prep involves previewing the provided story and follow-up questions before the group meets.

Big Kids: Helper
Model listening to story , assist leader as needed, interact with kids in group during response time. Role does not require prep, though the helper could preview the story and follow-up questions

Godly Play Doorperson:
Greet children as they enter, model listening to story, assist Godly Play teacher, help put away Godly Play materials after church

As always, we also have the following areas of service:
Nursery, hosting (coffee and snack set up), greeting, reading, slides, take down and prayer.

I'd love a response from everyone by Sunday, November 13. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like any more information about these areas of service.

Thanks everyone! It's good to serve! :)

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