Emmaus Road Church: Budget Handout Overview
The stewardship team has created this handout to brief Road Crew on our financial status ahead of next week’s Road Crew meeting on Sunday, November 13 after our regular service. Please review this handout and feel free to contact the Stewardship Team at the email addresses at the end of this handout with any questions you have on the information herein so we can be sure to either a) answer your question via email prior to the November 13 meeting, or b) address your questions in the Road Crew meeting on November 13.Expenses This Year
The chart below shows how our monthly expenses have stacked up. As you can see, every year our expenses vary from month to month. The average expenses from January through September of this year were approximately $9,400 per month. This is because many of our expenses are quarterly or annual expenses that are not paid each and every month. This highlights the need for some cash reserves for our church, which is discussed further in the ‘Cash Reserves’ section below.
The upcoming holiday season typically results in an uptick in giving for our church, which is a good thing, since it balances out our typical lower level of giving in the summer months (vacation season ☺).
Cash Reserves
As the chart to the right shows, our net cash reserves have been holding fairly steady through the summer and into the fall months of this year. This is thanks to the strong level of giving through the spring and summer by you, the Road Crew. Keep it up!
It is important to note that the majority of our cash reserves are necessary to manage the month to month cash flow of our church. This is because giving does not always occur at the same time expenses need to be paid. Keep up the faithful giving – you answered the call at our March 2011 Road Crew meeting to continue to faithfully give to support the work of our church. Our current reserves are at a healthy level and as mentioned have held steady the last 6 months. Thank you again Road Crew!
Proposed Budget
The stewardship team will propose the following monthly budget at the upcoming November 13 Road Crew Meeting. This budget is consistent with the level of monthly expenditures Emmaus Road has had for the last year. Note that the monthly budget below includes monthly average calculations of several expenses that are paid quarterly or once a year.
As the chart to the right shows, our net cash reserves have been holding fairly steady through the summer and into the fall months of this year. This is thanks to the strong level of giving through the spring and summer by you, the Road Crew. Keep it up!
It is important to note that the majority of our cash reserves are necessary to manage the month to month cash flow of our church. This is because giving does not always occur at the same time expenses need to be paid. Keep up the faithful giving – you answered the call at our March 2011 Road Crew meeting to continue to faithfully give to support the work of our church. Our current reserves are at a healthy level and as mentioned have held steady the last 6 months. Thank you again Road Crew!
Proposed Budget
The stewardship team will propose the following monthly budget at the upcoming November 13 Road Crew Meeting. This budget is consistent with the level of monthly expenditures Emmaus Road has had for the last year. Note that the monthly budget below includes monthly average calculations of several expenses that are paid quarterly or once a year.
Please note our recommendation of tithing 10% of our Church’s giving every year. This giving goes to several worthy organizations and people on a regular and annual basis. For example, we give regularly to support Asabe in Nigeria and HCI (Wycliffe). We also have supported AmeriCorps through Communities First. Part of our tithe goes to pay our classical shares – this pays for our Christian Reformed Church denomination activities such as world missions. Finally at the end of each calendar year, during Christmas time, Emmaus Road Church tithes to various partner organizations that we pray for on a regular basis. These can include Union Gospel Mission, New Horizons Mission, Acres of Diamonds, Roots Church, and Storytellers Church. The stewardship team proposes to make the level of giving from our church equal to 10% of the giving to our church each year.

What You Should Do Road Crew
Celebrate that we are, together, able to sustain ourselves financially. Continue to pray for the financial sustainability of our church. Continue to give faithfully – this is a natural part of our life together in Christ. Please read this handout prior to next week’s Road Crew meeting on November 13, following the service. Be prepared to discuss this at the Road Crew meeting. Send any questions you have to the stewardship team at the email addresses below.
Stewardship team email addresses:
• Ryan Engel at: rengel@gmail.com
• Mike Elenbaas at: mchllnbs@yahoo.com
• David Anema at: heyitsdavida@comcast.net
What You Should Do Road Crew
Celebrate that we are, together, able to sustain ourselves financially. Continue to pray for the financial sustainability of our church. Continue to give faithfully – this is a natural part of our life together in Christ. Please read this handout prior to next week’s Road Crew meeting on November 13, following the service. Be prepared to discuss this at the Road Crew meeting. Send any questions you have to the stewardship team at the email addresses below.
Stewardship team email addresses:
• Ryan Engel at: rengel@gmail.com
• Mike Elenbaas at: mchllnbs@yahoo.com
• David Anema at: heyitsdavida@comcast.net
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