Wednesday, June 15, 2011


12:10 Road Crew welcomed; pizza was served; agenda was stated

12:05 Pastor presented NINE SIGNS OF GROWTH, or NINE PIECES OF VISION (see details in agenda):

Rooted/Linked (see video)


Evangelism Beyond Sunday; 1 Peter 3:15

Dads/Dudes multiplied

Parenting Beyond Sunday

Church Big instead of Big Church; Joshua 17:14-18

$ Discipline

Deacons – more

Get To versus Have To

12:40 Pastor explains how church will pursue these changes:

Each/every church member encouraged to discern how personal passions, gifts, experience overlap with one or more area; communicate back to Pastor/Council

Council to organize, launch teams of members to oversee and cultivate each area of growth.

Pastor commits to keeping NINE SIGNS visible, recasting vision(s), keeping them in Council agendas, and reflecting these from pulpit and in liturgy on Sundays, too.


Not many comments/questions; one member appreciates Pastor's pledge to keep NINE SIGNS visible in front of church so they do not fade into "flavor of the month" forgotten words.

Financial update showed improvement in monthly income/expense ratio; no cuts currently advised (picture below); if giving remains consistent through summer, outlook for next year brighter.

12:45 Reminder to sign up to participate; members also asked to
make Elder nominations by next Sunday, June 19.

Next Road Crew - September 11, 2011; Agenda = Children's Ministry and Parent Ministry launch; $ update.

Final prayer offered; Road Crew dismissed.

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