Twenty-six of you Road Crew members made nominations.
Just about everyone in the candidacy pool received nominations.
A smaller handful of folks did receive a majority of nominations, though, providing some clarity about who I should approach, concerning leadership and service as an elder.
I will be initiating a "first round" of discussions over the next few days.
Please pray for me, for yourselves, for God's will to be done.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
23 members in attendance; 17 households represented
Goals of Meeting:
1. Welcome New Members
2. Discuss Community
3. Approve Budget
4. Elder Nominations – begin process
5. Pray
7:00 PM Arrival; chitchat
7:10 PM Prayer led by Pastor Likkel
7:20 PM Welcomed New Members: Mike & Teresa Elenbaas
• Informal Q&A, introduction of Mike & Teresa
• laying on of hands and prayer
7:40 PM Emmaus Road: Making Trail Mix
Brief presentation by Pastor Likkel
• Congregational Stats: 44 “regular households”, 67 adults, 21 single folks, 23 couples, RC has 43 members
• Trail Mix = an analogy to community
• We’ve got talented, rich, small bowls of various single ingredients; yet a woefully empty large bowl, unless those small bowls are combined; when small bowls remain isolated, and contribute just a bit of themselves, mixture doesn’t happen
• Single ingredients created to be thoroughly mixed together, says Great Trail Mix Creator
• Though we feel scarcity of time, resources, gifts we realize abundance when we find it in one another, in community, all together
Table Talk: Pastor Likkel invited members to discuss their past/current experiences of mixing in community, sharing life together
• Sharing stories, sharing trail mix
• What did you hope to find in community?
• What have you found, what haven’t you found?
• What are the barriers?
Reflect: after 20 minutes of discussion, large group shares reflections from Table Talks
• Participation in Small Groups, barriers & wishes, affects “connectedness”
• Mix things up: getting together more, for pool for example (recreation)
• Benefits of being with those you might not otherwise be with, going beyond the surface
• Small Groups provide an opportunity to commit to stay plugged in & not make excuses
• Developing some group events on a smaller scale, without expectation for large numbers
• Talking with others about why not involved, the church and the individual families
• Carpooling! Hard to get here, so far away; joining a small group based on geography
• As an early church, so similar; how easy to get together and all go out together
• Discussed communities in general: school, political
• What is community of church? Many approach by who is like me? Who can be my BFF?
• Shift to learning to form relationships and learn to rely on one another, those not like us
• (Takes a recognition that God sees how folks might fit together below the surface)
• Delicate balance about being a small church community: scarcity
• Positive to be small: no option to sit, take and leave; must be involved or wouldn’t be
8:10 PM Budget
Brief presentation by Treasurer Mike Colyn; handed out RC budget
• Same story for past few years, since 2002
• Slight increase in giving locally, probably the highest yet (last year especially low)
• No single reason for giving changes: some new folks, some increased given
• Health care doubled in last few years
• Have spent nearly all of $10k of Classis PNW’s first phase of grant
• Q: What is Sunday Set-up (category)? Why has it increased? A: Two people now vs. one.
• Q: Did we take $5k from savings? A: Yes, we used part of $20k from Ministry Coordinator funds
• ERIC: Several years ago, we were promised $80k from classis in ’97; when new church sponsored in Classis PNW, given this money for land to build. They held onto when we didn’t build, then gave to us. $10k released— we invested in chairs, etc, then asked for another $20k for Paul Belk’s part time position funding; since then, we “graduated” (attained “organized” status within Classis PNW), and were granted remaining $50k. It’s for whatever we deem appropriate. Our outside giving (non-member donors) is decreasing, and we should be growing local giving and sending it out. And an idea: we should start contributing to help support new local churches; ministry share determined by ratio--$56 per person. Council commitment to present giving from positive way; we approach our congregational giving not as an emergency or crisis. Remember the 50x50x50 formula (50 people, giving $50, 50 weeks a year), which amounts to $125k? Seems realistic. There is more giving potential at ER. Let’s adopt a biblical response to giving, a commandment.
• Q: What is currently in savings? A: $20-30K, plus recent $50k deposit
• Q: How do we keep going? A: Grants, have received checks from churches in years past
• Note: Appears we could continue for 5 years if we spent $15,000 over each year; We spent over budget $5k last year, meaning we have historically spent less than budgeted
• Q: What about sending to families (relatives of ER members who might donate to ER)? A: Netted about $5-6k beyond $18k single gift which we received last year, 2007/08
Mike called for a vote; Essentially, a vote to spend as we have in the past
• Road Crew voted to Pass the Budget as Mike presented it
8:40 PM Nominating Elders
Pastor Likkel gave a Brief Introduction to process, with handouts on the tables
• Ben Lappenga, David Anema, Suellen Yerger, will all continue as Elders through 2008/09
• Andrew Mullenix, Juliana Pope, Mark Nelson, Dan Ruiter will step down from office after having served a full two-year term; Dan Ruiter has served more than two double-year terms!
• Pastor Likkel thanked each outgoing Elder personally; brief prayer
• Potential Elder candidates listed and posted on Road Crew website, along w/details re: process
• Nominations due from RC members by 11/23; use white box, email, phone, etc.
8:55 PM Concluded with Prayer and Dismissed by 9PM
Goals of Meeting:
1. Welcome New Members
2. Discuss Community
3. Approve Budget
4. Elder Nominations – begin process
5. Pray
7:00 PM Arrival; chitchat
7:10 PM Prayer led by Pastor Likkel
7:20 PM Welcomed New Members: Mike & Teresa Elenbaas
• Informal Q&A, introduction of Mike & Teresa
• laying on of hands and prayer
7:40 PM Emmaus Road: Making Trail Mix
Brief presentation by Pastor Likkel
• Congregational Stats: 44 “regular households”, 67 adults, 21 single folks, 23 couples, RC has 43 members
• Trail Mix = an analogy to community
• We’ve got talented, rich, small bowls of various single ingredients; yet a woefully empty large bowl, unless those small bowls are combined; when small bowls remain isolated, and contribute just a bit of themselves, mixture doesn’t happen
• Single ingredients created to be thoroughly mixed together, says Great Trail Mix Creator
• Though we feel scarcity of time, resources, gifts we realize abundance when we find it in one another, in community, all together
Table Talk: Pastor Likkel invited members to discuss their past/current experiences of mixing in community, sharing life together
• Sharing stories, sharing trail mix
• What did you hope to find in community?
• What have you found, what haven’t you found?
• What are the barriers?
Reflect: after 20 minutes of discussion, large group shares reflections from Table Talks
• Participation in Small Groups, barriers & wishes, affects “connectedness”
• Mix things up: getting together more, for pool for example (recreation)
• Benefits of being with those you might not otherwise be with, going beyond the surface
• Small Groups provide an opportunity to commit to stay plugged in & not make excuses
• Developing some group events on a smaller scale, without expectation for large numbers
• Talking with others about why not involved, the church and the individual families
• Carpooling! Hard to get here, so far away; joining a small group based on geography
• As an early church, so similar; how easy to get together and all go out together
• Discussed communities in general: school, political
• What is community of church? Many approach by who is like me? Who can be my BFF?
• Shift to learning to form relationships and learn to rely on one another, those not like us
• (Takes a recognition that God sees how folks might fit together below the surface)
• Delicate balance about being a small church community: scarcity
• Positive to be small: no option to sit, take and leave; must be involved or wouldn’t be
8:10 PM Budget
Brief presentation by Treasurer Mike Colyn; handed out RC budget
• Same story for past few years, since 2002
• Slight increase in giving locally, probably the highest yet (last year especially low)
• No single reason for giving changes: some new folks, some increased given
• Health care doubled in last few years
• Have spent nearly all of $10k of Classis PNW’s first phase of grant
• Q: What is Sunday Set-up (category)? Why has it increased? A: Two people now vs. one.
• Q: Did we take $5k from savings? A: Yes, we used part of $20k from Ministry Coordinator funds
• ERIC: Several years ago, we were promised $80k from classis in ’97; when new church sponsored in Classis PNW, given this money for land to build. They held onto when we didn’t build, then gave to us. $10k released— we invested in chairs, etc, then asked for another $20k for Paul Belk’s part time position funding; since then, we “graduated” (attained “organized” status within Classis PNW), and were granted remaining $50k. It’s for whatever we deem appropriate. Our outside giving (non-member donors) is decreasing, and we should be growing local giving and sending it out. And an idea: we should start contributing to help support new local churches; ministry share determined by ratio--$56 per person. Council commitment to present giving from positive way; we approach our congregational giving not as an emergency or crisis. Remember the 50x50x50 formula (50 people, giving $50, 50 weeks a year), which amounts to $125k? Seems realistic. There is more giving potential at ER. Let’s adopt a biblical response to giving, a commandment.
• Q: What is currently in savings? A: $20-30K, plus recent $50k deposit
• Q: How do we keep going? A: Grants, have received checks from churches in years past
• Note: Appears we could continue for 5 years if we spent $15,000 over each year; We spent over budget $5k last year, meaning we have historically spent less than budgeted
• Q: What about sending to families (relatives of ER members who might donate to ER)? A: Netted about $5-6k beyond $18k single gift which we received last year, 2007/08
Mike called for a vote; Essentially, a vote to spend as we have in the past
• Road Crew voted to Pass the Budget as Mike presented it
8:40 PM Nominating Elders
Pastor Likkel gave a Brief Introduction to process, with handouts on the tables
• Ben Lappenga, David Anema, Suellen Yerger, will all continue as Elders through 2008/09
• Andrew Mullenix, Juliana Pope, Mark Nelson, Dan Ruiter will step down from office after having served a full two-year term; Dan Ruiter has served more than two double-year terms!
• Pastor Likkel thanked each outgoing Elder personally; brief prayer
• Potential Elder candidates listed and posted on Road Crew website, along w/details re: process
• Nominations due from RC members by 11/23; use white box, email, phone, etc.
8:55 PM Concluded with Prayer and Dismissed by 9PM
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Emmaus Road installed seven Elders to help shepherd the flock in 2006. Prior to this group's term, the Road Crew and Council updated our church's decision making process for nominating Elders. As the two-year term has ended, four of the Elders have chosen to step down from the office: Mark Nelson, Andrew Mullenix, Juliana Pope, and Dan Ruiter (who had already served terms prior to 2006!). We thank God for their service.
Time to pray and raise up three Elders to join the three who remain (keeping a ratio of approx. 1 Elder per 11 adults).
Calling (Roles/Goals) of Elders among Emmaus Road
• Meet regularly to pray for church, share updates
• Shepherd congregation through visitation, prayer, listening; seek to connect with members in the margins – ill, absent, lonely, confined
• Advise and inform Road Crew
• Encourage Deacons, other leaders, along w/Pastor
• Assist Pastor in calling and appointing leaders
• Receive/release Road Crew members
• For new Elders, two-year term (renewable for two consecutive terms – four years total)
Nomination/Ordination Process 2008/09
Pastor grants final approval/ordination after Road Crew nominates candidates to serve two-year terms from a pool of fellow members w/following qualifications:
• RC members of at least one year
• Active in small group
• Prayerful; student of Word
• Will not serve if married to another Elder nominee
• Not overly burdened by role as Deacon
• Ready to fulfill shepherding tasks, meet regularly w/Elders to share updates, pray
• Meet biblical requirements: 1 Timothy 3:1-12; 5:17; Titus 1:6-9 provide a non-exhaustive list of biblical qualifications for those recognized as Elders in the church
Oct 30 Road Crew honors outgoing Elders; Pastor publishes list of potential Elders (Road Crew mtg. and via email)
Nov 23 Each Road Crew member has nominated three individuals (via white box or email)
December 1 Pastor tallies nominations; speaks to candidates; narrows number down to three
January 22 Pastor ordains incoming Elders
Eligible Road Crew members
Members one or more years, active in small group, not serving as Elder within last year; not married to current Elder
Jon-Paul Benoit Aug-07
Sarah Byrd Apr-02
Ryan Engel Jun-07
Kristin Engel Jun-07
Anna-Marie Chainus Jun-02
Beth De Vries Apr-97
Biff Gaitan Jun-05
Chandra Mullenix Apr-05
Kurt Munson Jan-08
Christina Nelson Apr-02
Angie R Jan-02
Mark R Jan-02
Reba Ruiter Feb-00
Cynthia Tanis Apr-01
Dan Vos Feb-01
Jason Wood Nov-04
1. select three individuals
2. place choices in white box through November 23 or email Pastor Eric Likkel (
Calling (Roles/Goals) of Elders among Emmaus Road
• Meet regularly to pray for church, share updates
• Shepherd congregation through visitation, prayer, listening; seek to connect with members in the margins – ill, absent, lonely, confined
• Advise and inform Road Crew
• Encourage Deacons, other leaders, along w/Pastor
• Assist Pastor in calling and appointing leaders
• Receive/release Road Crew members
• For new Elders, two-year term (renewable for two consecutive terms – four years total)
Nomination/Ordination Process 2008/09
Pastor grants final approval/ordination after Road Crew nominates candidates to serve two-year terms from a pool of fellow members w/following qualifications:
• RC members of at least one year
• Active in small group
• Prayerful; student of Word
• Will not serve if married to another Elder nominee
• Not overly burdened by role as Deacon
• Ready to fulfill shepherding tasks, meet regularly w/Elders to share updates, pray
• Meet biblical requirements: 1 Timothy 3:1-12; 5:17; Titus 1:6-9 provide a non-exhaustive list of biblical qualifications for those recognized as Elders in the church
Oct 30 Road Crew honors outgoing Elders; Pastor publishes list of potential Elders (Road Crew mtg. and via email)
Nov 23 Each Road Crew member has nominated three individuals (via white box or email)
December 1 Pastor tallies nominations; speaks to candidates; narrows number down to three
January 22 Pastor ordains incoming Elders
Eligible Road Crew members
Members one or more years, active in small group, not serving as Elder within last year; not married to current Elder
Jon-Paul Benoit Aug-07
Sarah Byrd Apr-02
Ryan Engel Jun-07
Kristin Engel Jun-07
Anna-Marie Chainus Jun-02
Beth De Vries Apr-97
Biff Gaitan Jun-05
Chandra Mullenix Apr-05
Kurt Munson Jan-08
Christina Nelson Apr-02
Angie R Jan-02
Mark R Jan-02
Reba Ruiter Feb-00
Cynthia Tanis Apr-01
Dan Vos Feb-01
Jason Wood Nov-04
1. select three individuals
2. place choices in white box through November 23 or email Pastor Eric Likkel (
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Goals of Meeting:
1. Welcome New Members
2. Discuss Community
3. Approve Budget
4. Elder Nominations – begin process
5. Pray
7:00 PM Arrive
7:10 PM Worship/pray
7:20 PM Welcome New Members
7:40 PM Emmaus Road: Making Trail Mix
• Brief presentation
• Table Talk
• Reflect
8:10 PM Budget
• Brief presentation
• Q&A
• Vote
8:40 PM Nominating Elders
• Brief Introduction to process
• Current challenges, proposals
• Next steps
8:55 PM Concluding Prayer
• Table Prayers
9:00 PM Sing Old 100th; Dismiss
1. Welcome New Members
2. Discuss Community
3. Approve Budget
4. Elder Nominations – begin process
5. Pray
7:00 PM Arrive
7:10 PM Worship/pray
7:20 PM Welcome New Members
7:40 PM Emmaus Road: Making Trail Mix
• Brief presentation
• Table Talk
• Reflect
8:10 PM Budget
• Brief presentation
• Q&A
• Vote
8:40 PM Nominating Elders
• Brief Introduction to process
• Current challenges, proposals
• Next steps
8:55 PM Concluding Prayer
• Table Prayers
9:00 PM Sing Old 100th; Dismiss
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Here is the full text approved by the Road Crew, August 28, 2008, including the parts that are meant to be a "deeper explanation" which will pop up as people scroll over the basic lines (see the meeting minutes for details):
from Luke 24:13-35.
The resurrected Lord who walks alongside us
reveals himself and we discover him
We experience the fullness of God in both Gathering and Going.
In the worship gathering
of fellowship, Word,
prayer, sacrament, and song,
we experience God together.
Sent beyond the weekly gathering,
we are led by the Spirit,
to walk alongside others,
listening and telling our stories.
from Luke 24:13-35.
The resurrected Lord who walks alongside us
reveals himself and we discover him
We experience the fullness of God in both Gathering and Going.
In the worship gathering
of fellowship, Word,
prayer, sacrament, and song,
we experience God together.
Sent beyond the weekly gathering,
we are led by the Spirit,
to walk alongside others,
listening and telling our stories.
our Call and Mission
As a congregation
spread around the Sound,
we support and equip one another
to join with the "Word made flesh"
in our homes and communities.
Gifts of the Spirit empower us where we live, work, and play.
We are called to love and serve our families,
passing the faith along to our next generation.
We are called to walk alongside neighbors in relationship,
enjoying mutual hospitality.
We are called to look for the reality of God in all life’s routines and activities
We are called to be creators, above and beyond consumers.
As a congregation
which gathers and grows in Belltown,
we are called together
to join with the "Word made flesh"
among the people
in our church's neighborhood of gathering.
We seek to reconcile Tower and Street cultures,
to plant seeds and cultivate new life with our neighbors.
We envision community development,
in partnership, service, art, and industry.
We accept the role of Christ’s body serving the world,
embracing grace,
sharing Good News of Christ by word,
and demonstrating Good News of Christ in deed.
our Call and Mission
As a congregation
spread around the Sound,
we support and equip one another
to join with the "Word made flesh"
in our homes and communities.
Gifts of the Spirit empower us where we live, work, and play.
We are called to love and serve our families,
passing the faith along to our next generation.
We are called to walk alongside neighbors in relationship,
enjoying mutual hospitality.
We are called to look for the reality of God in all life’s routines and activities
We are called to be creators, above and beyond consumers.
As a congregation
which gathers and grows in Belltown,
we are called together
to join with the "Word made flesh"
among the people
in our church's neighborhood of gathering.
We seek to reconcile Tower and Street cultures,
to plant seeds and cultivate new life with our neighbors.
We envision community development,
in partnership, service, art, and industry.
We accept the role of Christ’s body serving the world,
embracing grace,
sharing Good News of Christ by word,
and demonstrating Good News of Christ in deed.
Hello Road Crew. Thanks to those who came out last night to New Horizons for our late summer Road Crew meeting, especially you busy moms with bunches of kids! Here are notes from the meeting.
We welcomed Everett McCullough as a new member, benefiting from his testimony and story of how God has been speaking and breathing new life into him.
We spent time looking at the proposed Purpose/Identity statement, the updated version of our Name/Story, our Motto, and a summary of our Call and Mission. Prior to last night's Road Crew meeting, your Council had carefully worked through five drafts. Several folks offered helpful feedback and insight, and we made a few adjustments before approving the update which you can read here...
The hope of this particular project is for members to find these short statements helpful in grasping how Emmaus Road approaches the Great Commandment and Great Commission, in our particular time, place, reflecting the crowd God has brought together. While the Church's call and mission are clearly expressed in Scripture, we aren't trying to better the Bible in stating who we are and why our church exists; our statements are meant to be local expressions of how we follow the Word. We discussed the importance of linking our statements back to the foundational, biblical statements, communicating how Emmaus Road stands in the historical stream of orthodoxy.
We also touched on the duality of our Call and Mission - a regional identity as well as a neighborhood identity. One of the phrases used - the "Word made flesh" - was discussed, as to it's clarity. We wondered if it is too insider, too churchy or christianise. In the end, we decided to keep this phrase from the Gospel of John, as a possible launching point for a conversation about incarnational ministry, both in our daily lives "around the Sound" as well as our church's somewhat institutional role, taking an incarnational form, in our "neighborhood of gathering."
Pastor Likkel will be gradually entering the new statements onto the main web page; some of it has been updated already today.
Two "Green Space" initiatives in Belltown were presented, examples of our congregation functioning as "Spark Plugs" or "Glue" in the context of community development. See the "Spark Plugs and Glue" article from December '07 here, and read the article about these two specific ideas here.
Pastor Likkel mentioned topics to be addressed at our October 30 Road Crew meeting:
- Leadership Changes, among Elders and Deacons; between now and then, the nomination process will be initiated; look for information in the next couple of weeks.
- Community Health: how are you experiencing ministry TOGETHER? While we tend to view life as "me living my life," the countercultural call of the Gospel, the created order from the beginning, is that we view life as "our life". How is that being experienced by the people called Emmaus Road?
- Budget: time for the annual approval of a new budget for the '08/09 ministry year; look for information this coming month in preparation for the October meeting, discussion, and vote.
Big thanks to Chandra, Nell, and Josiah, who watched our little ones during the meeting.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Back in December of '07, we published a short article about Emmaus Road functioning as SPARK PLUGS AND GLUE in our neighborhood. Later, at a spring retreat, we considered cultivating GREEN SPACE. It's time to follow-up! Here are a couple ideas:

Could Emmaus Road host an open house for the neighborhood? Not by ourselves, but in partnernship with New Horizons and Streetbean Espresso, we could spark some awareness and activity in our microhood. Here is an idea and a rough plan for accomplishing a relatively short-term project:

In South Lake Union, the Cascade P Patch brings neighbors together around growing vegetables and harvesting them to combat hunger among the local homeless. Could the same thing happen in Belltown? This is much more of a long-term project.
The Idea:
Gathering a coalition of "giving gardeners" in Belltown, from among the ministries and neighborhood residents, to grow and harvest vegetables, to be given away to local homeless. Could be a single-site or multi-site operation. The Giving Garden project could conceivably accomplish several goals:

Could Emmaus Road host an open house for the neighborhood? Not by ourselves, but in partnernship with New Horizons and Streetbean Espresso, we could spark some awareness and activity in our microhood. Here is an idea and a rough plan for accomplishing a relatively short-term project:
The Idea:
Hosting an OPEN HOUSE - Emmaus Road, New Horizons, and Streetbean Espresso - for the neighbors across the street at Mosler Lofts, as well as the Vermont Inn and some of the surrounding buildings.
The OPEN HOUSE event would accomplish several goals at once
- share hospitality with Belltown neighbors
- cast ministry vision and expose what we each do for and in our neighborhood
- invite neighbors' participation in a variety of ways (future customers at Streebean, volunteers, etc.)
The Plan:
Form a group comprising a project leader, a person from each of the three ministries, to plan the event and lay out the next steps:
- choose a date
- publicize
- line up music?
- etc.

In South Lake Union, the Cascade P Patch brings neighbors together around growing vegetables and harvesting them to combat hunger among the local homeless. Could the same thing happen in Belltown? This is much more of a long-term project.
The Idea:
Gathering a coalition of "giving gardeners" in Belltown, from among the ministries and neighborhood residents, to grow and harvest vegetables, to be given away to local homeless. Could be a single-site or multi-site operation. The Giving Garden project could conceivably accomplish several goals:
- feed the hungry
- learn from and respond to "slow food" movement
- develop community among neighbors from the towers as well as the streets
The Plan:
- Find a project leader/recruiter who can form a Giving Gardeners team
- Learn from the Cascade Giving Garden, the Belltown P Patch, or any other local/regional co-op type farms
- Identify possible partners among the City agencies, Belltown Business Association, Belltown Community Council, and Belltown Covenant partners
ROAD CREW, this is the updated version of Emmaus Road's statement of Purpose and Identity that your leadership Council has crafted. Pastor Likkel worked on several drafts with the Elders and Deacons over the last few months to come up with a statement which honors the original vision and mission as we understood it, but reflects how God has shaped us along the way. As a congregation, it's important for us to be "on the same page" with regards to our purpose.
Emmaus Road: our Name and Story
The Lord who walks alongside us reveals himself and we discover him.
Church Beyond Sunday: our Motto
We experience the fullness of God in both Gathering and Going.
In the worship gathering of fellowship, Word, sacrament, and song.
Going beyond the worship gathering, led by the Spirit,
we walk alongside others, listening and telling our stories.
Emmaus Road in Belltown;
Emmaus Road: our Name and Story
The Lord who walks alongside us reveals himself and we discover him.
Church Beyond Sunday: our Motto
We experience the fullness of God in both Gathering and Going.
In the worship gathering of fellowship, Word, sacrament, and song.
Going beyond the worship gathering, led by the Spirit,
we walk alongside others, listening and telling our stories.
Emmaus Road in Belltown;
Emmaus Road around the Sound:
our Call, our Mission
As a congregation spread around the Sound,
supporting and equipping one another
As a congregation spread around the Sound,
supporting and equipping one another
to join with the “Word made flesh”
in our homes and communities.
Sharing each other's gifts of the Spirit,
in our homes and communities.
Sharing each other's gifts of the Spirit,
empowering us where we live, work, and play.
We are called to love and serve our families,
passing the faith along to our next generation.
Walking alongside neighbors in relationship,
enjoying mutual hospitality,
We are called to love and serve our families,
passing the faith along to our next generation.
Walking alongside neighbors in relationship,
enjoying mutual hospitality,
inviting into fellowship.
Looking for the reality of God in all life’s routines and activities,
called to be creators, above and beyond consumers.
As a congregation which gathers and grows in Belltown,
we are called together to join with the “Word made flesh”
among the people in our church’s neighborhood of gathering.
We seek to reconcile Tower and Street cultures,
to plant seeds and cultivate new life with our neighbors.
We envision community development in partnership,
Looking for the reality of God in all life’s routines and activities,
called to be creators, above and beyond consumers.
As a congregation which gathers and grows in Belltown,
we are called together to join with the “Word made flesh”
among the people in our church’s neighborhood of gathering.
We seek to reconcile Tower and Street cultures,
to plant seeds and cultivate new life with our neighbors.
We envision community development in partnership,
through service, art, and industry.
We accept the role of Christ’s body serving the world,
embracing grace,
sharing Good News of Christ by word,
demonstrating Good News of Christ in deed.
We accept the role of Christ’s body serving the world,
embracing grace,
sharing Good News of Christ by word,
demonstrating Good News of Christ in deed.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
7:00 PM Arrival
7:10 PM Worship/prayer
7:20 PM Welcome New Members
7:40 PM Emmaus Road: Purpose and Identity Statements
Brief presentation/explanation; Q & A
8:00 PM Vote to Adopt/Reject updated version of Statements
8:05 PM Green Space; Follow-up plans
8:20 PM Looking to October
Leadership Changes
Community Health
8:40 PM Worship/prayer
9:00 PM Dismissal
7:10 PM Worship/prayer
7:20 PM Welcome New Members
7:40 PM Emmaus Road: Purpose and Identity Statements
Brief presentation/explanation; Q & A
8:00 PM Vote to Adopt/Reject updated version of Statements
8:05 PM Green Space; Follow-up plans
8:20 PM Looking to October
Leadership Changes
Community Health
8:40 PM Worship/prayer
9:00 PM Dismissal
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Road Crew, how would you like to pursue Growth in Giving as a church body?
See these ideas below and leave comments.
How do you feel about the following ideas?
- Expose the White Box; instead of leaving it on the back table, featuring it further forward, near the announcement chalk boards on a pedestal up front; mention it during a combined time of Communal Greeting and Giving
- Quarterly statements: publish individually
- Sponsor the Children’s Ministry position
- Program Tithing Testimonies; sharing from the heart how it feels to share from the wallet
- Teaching: offerings are part of worship, a mark of discipleship
- Regular monthly prayer and offering time with/without testimony
- Encourage kids to regularly give; cultivating habits
BACKGROUND: The Stewardship Team met January 6, followed by the Council January 10. The Stewardship Team presented a somewhat surprising update to the Council, reporting both positive and negative aspects of Emmaus Road's finances. We were surprised to examine numbers more closely, thereby dispelling the “myth of Emmaus Road’s giving potential,” the self-image problem of a small and poor church that cannot handle a budget of more than $100k. By the end of the Council meeting, the Elders and Deacons resolved to encourage the church toward Growth in Giving. This is not due to a financial crisis (currently $38k in bank), but because offerings are part of worship, a mark of discipleship, and we discovered we are not anywhere close to the moderate, yet healthy level we should reach for. The Council also resolved to avoid "preaching-to-the-choir" Road Crew meetings, which are discouraging and ineffective. Rather, there were some ideas meant to inspire and foster Growth in Giving. The full meeting minutes are accessible and the list of ideas discussed can be viewed there.
Goals of Meeting:
1. Welcome New Members
2. Discuss Ministry Initiatives
3. Prayer
7:00pm Arrive. Mingle.
7:15 Welcome - Review meeting goals (above)
7:20 Reading. Prayer.
7:25 Receive new members
7:35 Presentation of Ministry Initiatives
• Spark Plugs & Glue
• 5th Sunday Greenspace
• Belltown Covenant
• Leadership possibilities
8:00 Growth in Giving: Stewardship Team Update
8:10 Open forum related to Growth in Giving plans
8:40 Vote: approve, reject, revise Jan-Aug. ’08 Budget
8:50 Prayer
1. Welcome New Members
2. Discuss Ministry Initiatives
3. Prayer
7:00pm Arrive. Mingle.
7:15 Welcome - Review meeting goals (above)
7:20 Reading. Prayer.
7:25 Receive new members
7:35 Presentation of Ministry Initiatives
• Spark Plugs & Glue
• 5th Sunday Greenspace
• Belltown Covenant
• Leadership possibilities
8:00 Growth in Giving: Stewardship Team Update
8:10 Open forum related to Growth in Giving plans
8:40 Vote: approve, reject, revise Jan-Aug. ’08 Budget
8:50 Prayer
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