The fifth Sunday of August provides a great opportunity to experience Church Beyond the Building. This will be Emmaus Road's third Groundworks Sunday. The adjustment to our rhythm - embracing these alternate versions of Sunday mornings - has been a great development for our church. Enjoy the pictures; read what members have said below.
"This is pretty fun!"
-Quinn, six years old, after picking up cigarette butts during Emmaus Road's first Groundworks Sunday, March 29, 2009
"At first, I was kind of grumpy about missing the regular worship; I enjoy the music, fellowship, etc. But once we got into pulling blackberries out of the P Patch, I spent a whole lot of time getting to know one of the new people from church. We talked a lot, and were able to get to know one another because of the work we were doing outside. It was a very cool, and different, church experience."
- Dave, reflecting on the value of Groundworks Sundays
"This is my personal 'Ground Zero,' this very corner, across from Recovery Café; this is where my addiction spiraled out of control. The fact that I am back here, on this very corner, on a Sunday morning with my church, cleaning up the neighborhood, is a miracle! Praise God!"
- Daryl-Ann, sharing with the volunteers ready to landscape a Belltown corner

Boys taking Church Beyond the Building in Belltown

Painting Cottage @ Belltown P Patch
Landscaping along 2nd Avenue in Belltown

Digging in near Belltown's Mama's Mexican Kitchen

Stretching out in Belltown P Patch
Cleaning up around Belltown's funky Space Needle

Girls showing team spirit, sporting P Patch Cottage Blue
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